Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Kids Get No Information in Baltimore

Yes, I feel sorry for kids too. A reporter on today’s sports reporters’ show on ESPM lamented “School kids will never see the end of a World Series game”. Yes, I feel sorry because our kids, especially in Baltimore, Maryland USA will never obtain “news” or in today’s lingo information like we did. Sure the Baltimore Sun had a slant but the Morning Sun was different from the evening SUN and both different from the Baltimore News American. That’s what I had along with the very important Afro-American I w had access imprint of a lot of information daily and weekly.

Today the voices are fewer and so to are there now fewer opinions which is really dangerous. Where do you get your reliable information from today? Television? Ha! Radio?  In sixty second staccato bursts? The Internet or wherever your homepage or facebook page leads you. Most would be amazed after e review of their personal browser history for both work and personal enlightenment. What you would mostly see is a list of the same web addresses repeated over Andover. What a paradox with more info available we begin to rely on less.

Take the sports world. Who would be more credible? A newspaper that had a reporter at the game and in the locker-room or an announcer describing highlights on camera or on the web?

In Baltimore we must now decide daily whether to buy any newspaper at all and if we do decide to purchase, we must decide between the Baltimore Sun and the Washington Post which both now cost the same in Baltimore. I have no real bias having worked as a news reporter for both papers. But I grew up in and now reside in Baltimore and want to know what is going on here. I now get the Twitter feed from the Baltimore City Police Department in real time to my phone. Now I know when someone gets shot around the corner from me in real time. We have a lot of shootings here.


PS Please stop all this Anquan Boldin to the Ravens talk. The Ravens in offseason do not deserve two thirds of the Sun Sports page today. Should have bought the Post today.

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