Thursday, July 2, 2009

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell's Letter To Retired Players And A Response From Atlanta

By now many of you have received Commissioner Roger Goodell's letter on behalf of the Team Owners and his office endorsing the NFL Alumni and Fourth & Goal.I have attached it for those of you that did not get it for one reason or another...

He did not come to Atlanta, went to Dallas,Chicago and Baltimore, do not think he attended any other NFL cities due to his schedule,but he stated in his letter " met with retired players across our nation and listen to the issues that concern you most" ... for Atlanta was on his schedule at one point an time. I promised all of you that when his office let me know when he was coming , I would let you know... do not think it is going to happen, for the reports that I received from the cities he visited were just about what he wrote in the letter, lack of communication and representation. As the Commissioner of the NFL, do think he should have been a little bit more prepared when he visited those cities and former players.Instead of giving answers,recommendations and solutions to the many questions/issues that were asked of him;the report I got was " we will get back to you on that , let me do some research or you got a good point" Well that is
just sad ...if the letter that many of you received was in response to the many questions that were asked... Now he has coached or played football...for he stated in the letter "we can implement a game plan to tackle these issues head on" never once did he mention any issues or answered any-ones question that was asked of him from the meetings he had with the former players in those cities he visited...

Many of you were outraged (about 95%) by the letter and I heard you,got your e mails and phone calls, that is why I wanted you all to know my take on it...and do hope the 5% understands...

Do think the NFL Alumni is a good organization,when it comes to Caring for Kids,but when it come to Retired Players issues/benefits ie,education, insurance,
pension increases,disability, widows & family benefits, there is only one organization that has been there.... The NFL Players Association...

The Commissioner was correct when he stated"for many years the NFL Owners have provided financial assistance to the NFL Alumni and we will continue to build upon that support".Then you were encouraged to join to support their efforts...Many of us that have been involved with the Alumni organization...know that organization has a history of no communication and no representation.For many years I paid my dues to the alumni,this year I did not re-join for those reasons, no communication or representation...have no idea when or where they meet...or even if they do, for we the NFLPA have monthly meetings and a convention, which are informative.

Do hope the NFL Alumni joins us in the NFLPA requesting a financial audit of the teams, since the NFL owners opted out of the Collective Barganing Agreement (CBA) 2 years early,for reasons the Commissioner nor the owners will say why,but if it is financial and they are losing money,where is the proof or evidence that they are, the new TV contract was increased tremendously,ticket prices are going up yearly and 40 plus million viewers watched the NFL draft...

DeMaurice Smith,NFLPA Executive Director since March of 2009 has sent 2 letters to the Commissioner and to my knowledge neither has gotten a response...

The first one dealt with the question of why did he and the NFL owners opted out of the CBA early,at least we the retired players as well as the active players would know the reason,plus it could help DeMaurice catch up as well, we should not have to assume, for you know what you get when you assume.Do think that was a fair question,since they were the ones that did not like the CBA and opted out 2 years early...

The second one was requesting a financial audit of each of the teams, that way if they are losing money,we retired and active players would know not assume...also think that was a fair question,unless it is none of our business, but do not think a true agreement can be reached with out financial transparency I said.. too my knowledge, for that was my question to DeMaurice at the Presidents meeting with him at the convention,in Palm Springs , he only said "no comment." Which I took it as you have not gotten a response.

We have communication and representation in the NFLPA and that is where we belong,do hope all the other organizations that have popped up in the past few years ( Quarterback Club,HOF Club,Dignity after Football,Fourth and Goal,Retired Players and others) support this effort on financial transparency... Have no idea if those other groups have an agenda or issues ...and if any of you know , please share... for I am soliciting their support on financial transparency of the NFL Teams...You are welcome to share or forward this e mail to all former/active players regardless of what group they support...

ESPN, just reported that Roger Goodell makes 10.7 million a year...sorry , but had to share..did not know that...

Do wish you and your family a safe and fun Independence Day...

Dewey McClain, President
Metro Atlanta Chapter NFLPA

We will have a breif meeting at the Family Day Outting on ,Saturday , July 11,2009 at the Belmont Village ...3pm

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