I am happy to announce that I have re-established my international practice of law based in Baltimore, Maryland. Fugett and Associates founded in 1987 and later Fugett & Hitchcock represented a variety of clients worldwide. This practice was suspended in 1993 when my brother, Reginald F. Lewis, became ill and appointed me to run our family business, TLC Beatrice International Foods. That transaction has come to a successful conclusion and my brother’s work now continues through the Reginald F. Lewis Foundation and here in Baltimore at the Reginald F. Lewis Museum of African American Culture History where every public school student in Maryland will get the opportunity to learn about diversity and African-American history here in Maryland. If you are not a member, please consider joining.
For business call me at 443-794-2777.
I will also be working with my son Russell in his venture TLCjr LLC, also based in Baltimore Russell is the founder of the Athlete Sports Network.
The National Fugett Law Group is in the process of establishing offices locally, nationwide and worldwide. Locally, we will be doing business as Fugett & Associates Attorneys at Law. We are uniquely qualified with a world of experience.
Our strategic relationships with other major firms and businesses will provide a rich resource for our business clients.